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Save Up To 25% or More on Electricity in texas!

Fast Friendly texas Prepaid Electricity

Prepaid electricity in 1 to 2 hours

Texas Prepaid Lights is the top choice for speedy and cost-effective prepaid electricity. Offering great deals on prepaid electricity services, they’re ready to assist you. 

Call the Texas-based representatives at 1.833.741.2435 for immediate service. With Texas Prepaid Lights, you can experience quick electricity activation, often within 1 to 2 hours (excluding Sunday). With over 20 years of experience serving Texas, we have established ourselves as a reliable and affordable electricity service provider.

If you have a digital meter at your service address, just pay the initial $40 balance and your electricity will be on shortly, illuminating your space. Plus, approval is assured for all customers!

Discover the latest rates in your city by utilizing our zip code search tool.

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Determining the Best Prepaid Electricity Rate in Texas: Unveiling the Top Options

Texas electricity stands out for its distinctiveness, reflecting the diversity of its population. Unlike many other states, Texans have the freedom to choose their energy providers, with over 85% of residents benefiting from this exceptional opportunity. As a result, the online realm, airwaves, and television screens witness an ongoing marketing frenzy in this energy-rich state. In this dynamic energy landscape, prepaid electricity in Texas emerges as a straightforward solution, offering a pay-as-you-go approach without the need for credit verification or identification.

When it comes to prepaid electricity plans, navigating the options can be overwhelming, leading to one essential question: “Which prepaid electric plan offers the most cost-effective solution in Texas?”

Texas electricity sets itself apart by mirroring its diverse population. Texans relish the freedom to select their energy providers, an exceptional opportunity that benefits over 85% of residents. Consequently, the digital sphere, airwaves, and television screens become witnesses to a continuous marketing frenzy in this energy-abundant state. Within this dynamic energy landscape, prepaid electricity in Texas emerges as a convenient solution: pay as you go, hassle-free, without credit verification or identification.

When faced with a multitude of prepaid electricity plans, finding the right one can be daunting, leaving us with a burning question: “What is the most cost-effective prepaid electric plan in Texas?”

To reveal the most budget-friendly prepaid electricity plans in Texas, we conducted an exhaustive analysis of popular options. Our thorough approach involved meticulous scrutiny of Electricity Facts Labels (EFLs) obtained directly from the web. These EFLs are essential documents mandated by the Public Utilities Commission of Texas, providing detailed information necessary to identify the state’s lowest prepaid electricity rates.

Which cheap prepaid electricity plan

Finding the Best Prepaid Electricity Rate in Texas: Your Ultimate Guide

In Texas, prepaid electricity companies offer a variety of plans and even free energy offers, such as free nights and weekends. However, it is crucial to read the terms and conditions to fully understand the implications. While pre-payment electricity plans can be advantageous if you make the most of their billing procedure, they can also result in high electricity bills if you are not mindful of your daily usage.

To assist you in making an informed decision, we have analyzed recent data from the Electricity Facts Labels (EFLs) of five popular prepaid electricity plans. By examining the Dallas electric rate, Oncor charges, daily fees, and promotional features outlined in the EFLs, we have determined the best price for pay-as-you-go electricity in Texas.

  1. Premier 12 by Payless Power
  2. Simple 6 by Payless Power
  3. Free Nights by Acacia Energy 
  4. Free Nights by Acacia Energy 
  5. 100% Clean Energy by Pogo Energy 

Comparing Prepaid Electricity Rate Plans in Texas: A Comprehensive Chart

Regardless of your electricity plan, Oncor charges 3.5897 cents/kWh for power delivery and a fixed fee of $3.42 per month.

Prepaid Electricity Company 
Electricity Plans
Fixed Charges (REP + Oncor)
Energy Charge per kWh
Total kWh Price with Oncor Fees
Payless Power
Premier 12
$3.42/month charged by Oncor$2.77/day charged by Payless Power, includes 17 kWh/day
13.0 ¢ / kWh (for daily usage over 17 kWh) 16.5899 ¢ / kWh with TDU fees
17.3 ¢ / kWh when consuming 500 kWh16.8 ¢ / kWh when consuming 1000 kWh16.7 ¢ / kWh when consuming 2000 kWh
Payless Power
Simple 6
$3.42/month charged by Oncor$2.77/day charged by Payless Power, includes 17 kWh/day
12.9 ¢ / kWh (for daily usage over 17 kWh) 16.4899 ¢ / kWh with TDU fees
17.3 ¢ / kWh when consuming 500 kWh16.7 ¢ / kWh when consuming 1000 kWh16.6 ¢ / kWh when consuming 2000 kWh
Acacia Energy
Free Nights
$3.42/month charged by Oncor $0.95/day charged by Acacia, each day you consume less than 16 kWh
22.03 ¢ / kWh between 6:00 AM and 8.59 PM25.6199 ¢ / kWh with TDU fees
25.6199 ¢ / kWh between 6:00 AM and 8:59 PM Only TDU fees between 9:00 PM and 5:59 AM
Acacia Energy
Free Weekends
$3.42/month charged by Oncor$0.95/day charged by Acacia, each day you consume less than 16 kWh
20.31 ¢ / kWh between Monday 12:00 AM and Friday 7:59 PM23.8999 ¢ / kWh with TDU fees
20.3 ¢ / kWh when consuming 1000 kWh16.9899 ¢ / kWh plus $33.42 fixed charge
Pogo Energy
100% Clean Energy Plan 14
$3.42/month charged by Oncor$1/day ($30/month) charged by Pogo, does not cover any kWh consumed
13.40 ¢ / kWh, added to a fixed fee of $1/day regardless of consumption16.9899 ¢ / kWhwith TDU fees
20.3 ¢ / kWh when consuming 1000 kWh16.9899 ¢ / kWh plus $33.42 fixed charge

Additional Information:

Payless Power offers a fixed kWh price for 12 months in the Premier 12 plan, 6 months in the Simple 6 plans. You avoid electricity price hikes during the plan term, while still having the benefit of prepaid electricity.

Acacia Energy and Pogo Energy offer variable-rate plans, which means the kWh price can change each month.

Which Prepaid Electric Company has the Cheapest Rate Including TDU Charges?

Looking back to our 5 EFLs, we’re able to determine an all-in rate for each plan which includes: the electric rate, or the price per kWh, and the standard Transmission and Delivery Utility (TDU) charges.

We quickly noticed that prepaid electricity plans with free energy are more expensive than basic, no-frills plans. Again, Payless Power has the most affordable electric rate compared to the other prepaid light companies in Texas.

Cheapest Prepaid Electricity in Texas

Switch to Low-Cost Prepaid Electricity in Texas

Looking for the most affordable prepaid lights in Texas? Look no further than the Premier 12 Plan. With competitive rates and 12 months of rate stability, it’s the ideal choice for budget-conscious customers. Say goodbye to credit checks and enjoy hassle-free switching to prepaid lights. Plus, the activation fee goes directly towards your electricity consumption, eliminating the need for extra deposits. With complete control over your electricity expenses and the freedom to pay as you go, the Premier 12 Plan offers convenience and affordability. Compare plans and providers to find the best fit for your needs in Texas. Choose the Premier 12 Plan today for the lowest rates and convenient payment options! Prepaid Texas Electricity

Lock in Our Cheapest Rate Today

  1. No Credit Check 
  2. No Contracts  
  3. Keep the same cheap, fixed rate for 12 months 
  4. Get up to 20% off just for paying on time! 

Start saving today with the cheapest prepaid electricity in Texas. Just call: 1.877.296.7014 to start!

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